The Pattern of Architecture Design for Conservation of Cultural Landscape in Chiang Rai City

เกริก กิตติคุณ, สันติชาติ ชัยภมรฤทธิ์


Architectural heritage is considered a priceless ancestral wisdom that reflects the
lifestyle and well-being of people in the past to the present which defines the major
characteristics of the area. The architecture and environment of the community can
be reflected by the beliefs and social change. From the history of the city of Chiang Rai,
the housing plan of the serpent Mangrai lowlands along the Kok River within the old
city walls, and have dubbed this era, which means that Rai. The City of King MangRai.
Vernacular architecture appears from settlement of the people of various ethnic groups
with architecture influenced by evangelical missionaries from western. This Include
changes from city development (Urbanization), the architecture invaluable, especially
residential buildings, were demolished to create new trend structures. The research of
study and explore various forms of vernacular architecture in the city by creating a
model of contemporary architecture as a model for Conservation of cultural landscape
and finding ways to preserve the architecture and environment of the communities in
the Chiang Rai municipal and to encourage local agencies responsible for the construction
and formulate local ordinance regulations to conserve the architectural heritage
and create community environment that is appropriate for the context of the city of
Chiang Rai.


The Pattern of Architecture Design, Conservation of Cultural Landscape, Chiang Rai

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