The Development Skill in repairing and keeping save of basic computer with lower secondary school students. The case study of Mathyomsuksa 2 students Bangkonti district Samut – Songkram province.

ขวัญเรือน รัศมี


To student the case of development skill in repairing and keeping save of basic
computer with lower secondary school students. The case study of mathyomsuksa 2
students Banakonti district Samut – Songkram province. There is objective to research
some problems in repairing and to keep save of computer, to measure, to evaluate in
skill full repairing and to keep save of computer of the secondary school students level
Bangkonti district Samut Songkram province.
A group of population that has been studied in this time namely Mathayomsuksa
2 students Bangkonti district Samut – Songkram province in a schools. They have
been divided to be 21 student boys, 12 students girls all of them are 33 students.
A researcher has already used questionnaire to collect data, to take data for processing,
to analyses by using package program and statistic that has been used in data analysis
such as percentage, cost value, standard deviation, t-test value and F-test value.
The findings reveled that :
1. Status data of questionnaire answer, it has been found that student who have
answered questionnaire, the most of them are male in 21 person, its percentage is
63.60, female is in 12 persons, its percentage 36.40. There are ages between 13-15
years, totally in 33 persons, its percentage is 100.00. Education level of all person who
have answered questionnaire, There are 33 persons to study in Mathayomsuksa 2, its
percentage is 100.00.
2. The result of studying and analyses the level of knowledge and capability
of lower secondary school altogether there are 17 items in moderate level namely
= 3.15, S.D. = 0.51. When to consider in each item with sequence of cost
value from much to little. There are a lot of details as follow, item 8, there is role of
computer with education in the most level in the second of item environment that may be
dangerous with computer namely, there is moderate and at least namely item 17. The
problem is from operation system in little level respectively.
3. The result of testing research hypothesis, with analysis to compare in
education and capability of lower secondary school Bangkonti district Samut – Songkram
province. It’s different in average, it isn’t different when it has been separated to test
as sex. It has been found that the students of lower secondary school in the level
of Mathayomsuksa 2, both female and male they have knowledge and capability in
repairing and to keep save of basic computer, with average is in moderate knowledge
level, capability in repairing and to keep save basic computer of the lower secondary
school, in level of Mathayomsuksa 2 that there is different in age, in moderate level
and when it has been divided as age, all of them are 13-15 years old, it has been
divided as education level, it is moderate and when it has been divided as education
level, it has been found that all of them are in Mathayomsuksa 2.


The development skill repairing keeping save of basic computer Mathayomsuksa

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