Guideline for Improvement of Safety Management in Operation at Heights Case Study : SC System Network Co., Ltd.

อัจฉรา ผ่องพิทยา, จันทร์จิรา สิงห์พันธ์, ปราณี อามาตมนตรี, โอภาส พรมมิ


The research objectives were to study the accident from operation at height cases and theirs causes and to study the guideline for improvement of safety management in operation at height as the case study of SC System Network Com. Ltd., which serviced the CCTV and internet system installation. The data were collected from 27 technicians. The research instruments were the interview form and the record form. The data analysis was analytic induction method. The research results were as followed: the accidents at work caused by the negligence of the employees, and no wearing equipment while at work. The guideline for improvement of safety management in operation at height were holding the training about the guideline for prevent the accidents from working at heights, the safety equipment checking, and provide the safety operation manual.


Safety management, Operation at height

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