Steel Roof Structure Installation Process A Case Study of Wide-Span Building

สิริกมล อัยยะวรากูล, ทรงเกียรติ เที้ยธิทรัพย์, วรวรรณ โรจนไพบูลย์


This project was aimed to study technology component and analyze installation process. Afterward, compared its procedures and gathered wide-span roof structure installation process by studying the 3 projects of wide-span building: Project A located in Samut Prakan with 30 m. in roof width, Project B in Nakhon Ratchasima with 29 m., and Project C in Kalasin with 32 m. respectively. The data collection was divided into two types are a survey and an interview. In the survey procedure, the data was collected by taking notes and photograph by observing while the event was operating. In the interview procedure, the data was collected by interviewing the chief of controller about the installation process using a questionnaire to gather information supported the surveying data including a review of the relevant literature in order to analyze the conclusions of the study.
The findings showed that the technology component and installation process were similarities and differences on each project in process details depended situation, and usage area readiness with the suitable method for the expertise of each company to install the project.


Wild-span roof structure, Steel, Element of technology, Installation process

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