Study of Guideline to Outdoor Space Development and Traffic for decrease Protestors Trouble in Bangkok.

Winai Mankhatitham, Kunyaphat Thanakunwutthirot, Morakot Worachairungreung


This research aims to obtain the model of building surroundings improvement and guidelines on evacuating citizen from areas enclosed by political demonstrators.


According to the research, it was found that information from the sub-project 1 on building surroundings improvement for preventing invasion of political demonstrators in Bangkok, Case Study: King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital can be summarized the guidelines on physical improvement of areas as follows; 1) solving problems of fences and building access by increasing bushes with thorns along the fences in order to obstruct the climbing space and providing strong and durable wooden or steel, 2) solving problems of 5 m. by increasing plants with thorns climbing on trunks of big trees, 3) solving physical problems of ground floor and building’s void by installing safety film and wooden or steel lath, 4) solving problems of pedestrians, providing key card for building access and fence lines or guard rails for preventing any climbing to buildings.


Regarding the sub-project 2 on application of independent transport network for creating guidelines on evacuating citizens from movement and traffic areas enclosed by political demonstrators in Bangkok. The findings were found that the most frequent route used for the movement and traffic enclosure in Bangkok is Phra Nakhon District. Regarding the radiation area of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, there was the area for movement and traffic enclosure around Phayathai Road, Suriwong Road, Ratdamri Road and Si Phraya Road, which their high significance values are in the medium to high level. Therefore, during the severe situations, it should be avoided the routes with high value of the district, showing in red and orange routes, and should select the routes with low value of the district, such as roads with alleys and lanes, showing in green and yellow routes.


King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Personal Space, Criminal invasion prevention, Space Syntax.

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