Design and development of semi-automatic shallots chopping machine prototype for small to medium enterprise.

Sonchai Kamcharlearn, Montree Nuamjit, Kittitorn Namsanga, Sirichai Torsakul


Shallots chopping machine was design and built to help reduce time and labor in chopping shallots. It helped to reduce eye and skin irritation of worker in small to medium enterprise that transforms shallots for sale. The prototype included structure, material slot, driving force set, spinning blade set, material releasing slot, and controlling system with 0.5 HP. The motor served as the initial power of the spinning blade in container. The experiment found that the machine is 91 percent at its peak performance with the blade cutting at 15 degree. The speed of the chopping is 350 rpm with production at the maximum of 150 kg/day. Economic analysis revealed that this prototype machine payback period is 1.6 year. It is an interesting alternative of small and medium enterprise to invest in.


Shallots, small to medium enterprise, shallots chopping

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