The Identification Characteristics Degradation of Plastic Motorcycle’s Light from Ultraviolet Radiationto Apply for Forensic Science

Praphakon Pongseng, Noppadon Chamchoi, Sunee Kanyajit, Narong Kulnides, Narong Sangwaranatee


The purpose of this study was changing degradation of plastic motorcycle’s light from ultraviolet radiation and comparison of the degradation of plastic before and after QUV accelerated weathering detection by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Divide the plastic test for 4 sets, put set 1, 2 and 3 into the QUV accelerator weathering conditions for one, two and three weeks, while the fourth is a set of comparison.The graph ofall four setshad a peak at the same period of wave number but the absorbance unit is different. The fourth set which is not accelerated by QUV has the absorbance minimum. Plastic set 1, 2 and 3 with QUV accelerated weathering has the absorbance decrease respectively. It concluded that the use of FTIR analysis helps determine its indicative lifespan of plastic motorcycle’s light that test without damaging the specimen. This study is an alternative that can be applied in a forensic identification.


Degradation of plastic, Plastic motorcycle’s light, QUV accelerated weathering, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

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