The effect of light on the eye health of people with access to the Central Library Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University.

อรัญ ขวัญปาน, ชุติมา นันทวิสิทธิ์, ดวงพร เกิดแป๋


This research has an objective to measure the intensity of light in comparison
to the standard of Ministry’s regulations. The issue is to regulate the standard of sanitary
management and security. The entrance to an environmental workplace of heat,
light and sound along with the effects of light on the entrance to the Central Library.
The research populations are 385 people and the light measurement by average measuring.
There are 3 places of measuring environment, which are consisting of 1). Office
of Rector, Ground Building 2). Glorification Building, 1 to 5 floors, the results are to be
compared for comparison to Ministry’s regulations and 3). To analyze effects of lights
of the eye health of Central Library users.
The results of light intensity is found that an standard noon’s light is measured
by 300 Lux, which are Office of Rector, Ground Building, Glorification Building, the 2nd
Floor, 3rd Floor and 5th Floor, which has got the result at about 490.30 Lux, lowest at
315.47 Lux. The other result that it is lower than standard light measurement is the
Office of Rector, 2nd Floor, the Glorification Building, 1st Floor and 4th Floor, which has
the highest rate at 265.78 Lux. Lowest rate is at 107.49 Lux and the average dark light
of Office of Rector, Ground Building is at about 290.41 Lux, which is lower than standard
noon’s light.
The result of library users is found that the majority of female is at 63.38, male
is at 36.62. Period of service is 1-2 hours, which is accounted for 45.71. The majority of
users use spectaculars and contact lenses at about 70.39. The effects of this research
is because the users have disabled eyes. There is 74.03 percentage is the people that
do not think the eyes problem is not come from light effects. There is 76.36 percentage
is not come from dry eyes problem. The effects of eye health is come from easy dry
eyes. There is 37.4 percentage accounted for asymptomatic blurred vision. There is
44.2 percentage of headache symptoms equal to 40 percentage of eye irritation. There
is 38.4 per cent of eyelid spasm mostly asymptomatic. Moreover, there is 49.4 percentage
of unclear eye sight, also there is 39 percentage of running tears and there is 40.3
percentage have a low level of pain also there is. 41.8 percentages have not shown the
sign of any symptoms.

In summary, the light affects to users of the library’s eyes at a low level, cause 

of user’s symptoms comes from several factors. Including the period of time and
places that user’s choose to accesses the service. Furthermore, unappropriated light
from fluorescent lamps. The effect of unappropriated light does not made any
problem of short eye sight or any other eyes symptoms but it has been associated with
eye health anyhow. Whether reading or working light should suit with type of using,
light should not too bright or too dark. It could make the eye muscles work harder.
After using the Central Library eye would effect from the problems of unappropriated
light that could cause eyes symptoms afterward.


Effect of light, Central Library

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